Monday, 5 July 2010

Haiti Earthquake - six months on..

Panorama next week is about the orphans of Haiti who are victims of the earthquake that struck there 6 months ago. It is about how the needs of these orphans are being met. However, I am sure there will be a great deal to learn in general, about the longer term effects of earthquakes and reminds us of what a huge disaster it was, and just because it is no longer getting headline coverage it still dominates the lives of the Haitian people.
BBC 1 - Monday 12th July 2010 - 8.30pm to 9.00pm
Panorama - the Orphans of Haiti


  1. I thought it showed that a country as poor as Haiti will probably never fully recover from such a disaster for many decades, if at all. Or as it does then the next quake may just happen. It was also very sad :(

  2. i think more needs to be done for countries like haiti beacuse without it haiti and other countries like it will never recover and life for people living there will not improve. I was shocked at how easy it was to take children out of haiti after the earthquake,makes you wonder how many were actually taken and what happened to them.

  3. it was very sad to watch. t made me think more should be done to help haiti becauce it hasn't recovered from the earthquake that was6 months ago.
