Monday, 9 April 2012

Day 2 - Nyahururu - Nakuru 57km

This day already seemed better just because I knew I didn't have to cycle as far! I ached justed a little but after the first couple of km I was fine. Today the weather was sunny and warm yet due to the altitude was not too hot. Yesterday we were supposed to have ridden through a lucious countryside that was filled with fields of crops, however this was more what I saw today. There were a lot more trees and it did seem more lucious than the day before I passed at least 2 signs for universities but saw no building that could represent a university like those we have in the UK. I passed lots of tea and coffee plantations which made the landscape look extremely green. We stopped to see one and listened to the process in which they are involved in here. There was not much processing going on which is where the profit is added - they gerenally exported the raw beans or leaves. Some coffee is produced but mostly for local comsumption. I bought 2 packets of ground coffee whilst I was there and then for the rest of the trip everything in my bag stunk of coffee! We then had to take the buses to the evening stop at Lake Baringo at the Soi Safari Lodge. Many of the local boys and girls had been down to the Lake and had to walk past the entrance of the hotel - the younger children were amazingly friendly, however the older ones were becoming very consious that they did not want their photos taken and would complain. Yet all of the them asked "Can I have a pen for school please?" this was the most widely asked for thing by children whilst I was there - they very rarely asked for money. Me and my new friend Jo decided to go on a boat trip to see if we could see any rhinos! The two local boys that took us out were very polite. 'Jeff' as one of them called himself must only have been about 14. The most noticebale thing was his teeth - they were very brown and discoloured however part way through the trip he stopped his 'tour talk' to answer his mobile phone!!! We saw several of his friends out fishing. The hotel itself was ok but I think since I had arrived my expectations were lowering themselves in order to cope with the quality of some of the places we stayed - it was here that I had to remove a cockroach from our room (or rather I got Jo to do it!) before we could sleep.

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